作为《变形金刚》系列中独立出生、并得到超多高度评价的角色,兽侠已然改写了回合制游戏中英雄的定义。开始时兽侠并没有十分明显的优势、相对于整个游戏而言也相对薄弱。不过随着剧情的展开,逐步衍化出各种新奇特性的兽侠始终保留了勇者般的气势。武器装备也是厚道——打击力强、命中法术伤害高、射速快…… 圣剑光明之心使得他能够应对各种敌人;神奇号角带来了巨大伤害法术;魔法盾物使得所有攻击都如流水般不留遗憾地打上去…… 不少玩家表示,《变形金刚5: 超能勇士& 猛兽侠》是一款十分“入门”好玩的回合制游戏,胜在内容丰富,故事情节真正合理,并且画面风格独特. 此外, 精心打造出来的NPC也是一大亮点.
If you want to feel like a superhero and s艾薇e the world from destruction, look no further than the Transformers games. today on this special day of release for Transformers: The last Knight we bring to you the transformer game that has taken the world by storm and that is transformers : beast hunter. This game is not just like all the other Transformer games out there it is something completely different with its own style story and characters it feels like an entirely new game rather then a copy of one of the older ones which often feels stale. You play as Beast Hunter mode Optimus Primal who in my opinion is one of the cooler looking transformers in either movie or game form and while your original starting stats are quite low you will eventually become very powerful through leveling up and gathering better gear . 你想要感受一代超能勇士风采吗? 那就不要再找了! 最新版《 变形金刚5: 超能勇士& 猛兽侠 》将带你体验前所未有的大IP 回合制游戏! 此作不仅风格独特、故事情节真正合理、画面十分优雅(PS4版甚 至将使用4K画质呈现! );耐人寻味 的NPC也是该作冒泡之处。
兽侠 金刚 勇士 变形 超能曾说过
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